Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mike Filsaime, Internet Marketer ? Review

Who is Mike Filsaime?

Mike Filsaime is one of the top marketing gurus online today. His story is different from most other well known gurus, in that he is fairly new to the online marketing business. Before diving into online marketing Filsaime worked in the automotive industry. There he gained a great deal of experience in both sales and marketing which he used as a foundation for generating ideas and strategies online.

How did Filsaime make himself into a marketing guru so quickly?

One of the first things that Filsaime did to learn about internet marketing online was buy the Instant Internet Empires system. He utilized this particular product to gain knowledge about strategic marketing and creating an online business network. He worked for a few years and established successful marketing campaigns and eprojects.

As time passed Mike Filsaime was able to organize and condense what he had learned into a series of e-books.

These e-books helped him to gain the exposure that he needed. Mike started his own website also where he now updates and posts information about various marketing ideas. The website covers many topics including website traffic, ebook marketing, digital product creation, sales conversion, and affiliate marketing.

Today, there seems to be more people than ever that are becoming online marketers or are taking their business to the web for the first time. There are also many individuals or businesses that already do business online but are looking to increase their traffic through search engine optimization.

Whatever people are interested in achieving online, most need the guidance of an experienced marketer. Experienced marketers like Mike Filsaime have taught many online business entrepreneurs how to become successful. Truth is, nobody can just be taught how to be successful online they have to want to learn how and be committed to the process of learning.

There is massive amounts of conflicting information out there on every aspect of online work and it is not easy to get a grasp of everything if going at it alone. One of the best things that a beginning marketer, or a struggling intermediate, can do is to find a mentor that has been able to create a profitable presence online and learn exactly how and why they did it. Then the next step would be to create a similar system.

After coming accustomed to how things work and change on the web, a marketer can then begin to brand or stylize the network they have created. This does not happen overnight. It is kind of like the way Picasso became the best painter. He began by studying others and the world around him, doing realistic sketches at a young age. Then he eventually mastered the human figure and was later able to stylize his work to make it unique and consequently much more desirable and attractive.

Expert Author Christopher M. Castillo of is a top internet marketing guru who works with industry leaders in developing the best tools to automate making money online. His real passion is for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations of earning a full time living online with his methods. Christopher is also known for small business consulting, business plan creation and for teaching others how to make business success. Christopher M. Castillo is an expert in marketing holds a BBA and MBA in Marketing and has decades of experience in Marketing for corporations, small business and non-profit organizations. To learn more how Christopher M. Castillo and his team of Mentors can teach you to make money online today, visit them at and take a FREE TEST DRIVE!!!


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